kuljit singh
Private hospitals to discuss with Pharmaniaga for medicine supply
Shortage includes medicine for upper respiratory conditions.
3 years ago
Reopening borders will allow medical tourists to return to Malaysia – APHM
Their medical care has been halted since early 2020.
3 years ago
Medical tourism key in reopening sector, says private hospital association
'The easiest, safest and most regulated are medical tourists,' says APHM.
Alyaa Alhadjri, Alex Woon
4 years ago
APHM president: More observers the best way to prevent 'underdosing' errors
We must face the fact that human errors can occur in the administration of vaccines, says Dr Kuljit Singh.
Martin Vengadesan
4 years ago
Send us non-Covid-19 patients to ease congestion - private hospitals
Postponement of elective procedures has been extensively stretched, says Dr Kuljit.
4 years ago
Private hospitals moot opt-in programme for Pfizer vaccines
This could be applied to all citizens and residents in the country from time to time, says APHM president.
4 years ago
Private hospitals group hoping to accelerate vaccine procurement process
Dr Kuljit Singh says faster approvals and planning could see private vaccination by mid-year.
4 years ago
APHM concerned that some private doctors not yet scheduled for vaccination
The association also hopes that the government will include more private participation in phase two.
4 years ago
Private hospitals want approval to procure Covid-19 vaccines from other sources
UPDATED 11.53AM | They say this will expedite herd immunity and reduce the government's burden.
4 years ago
Private hospitals waiting on Putrajaya, ready to expedite Covid-19 vaccination
We are set to help expedite the vaccination process, says the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia.
4 years ago