Umno Youth chief: Azmin should explain exemptions for factories on live TV
Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki wants Miti minister to go through each exemption, one-by-one.
4 years ago
Returning OKU, students, gov’t officers to get free Covid-19 test
Returnees who already paid for the tests can claim reimbursement from the Health Ministry, says the defence minister.
5 years ago
Kelantan allows laundrettes, workshops, hardware stores to operate
The state has not recorded any new cases of Covid-19, says Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah.
N Faizal Ghazali
5 years ago
More frequently asked questions on MCO exemptions
CORONAVIRUS | Miti has issued additional FAQs for companies intending to operate during the MCO.
5 years ago
To open or not? Workshops and traditional medicine providers in a bind
CORONAVIRUS | Many find the application process and rules for MCO exemption onerous.
Kow Gah Chie
5 years ago
With little clarity from Miti on ‘legal services’ allowed, Bar awaits govt SOP
The Bar assures its members that clearer guidelines will be available soon.
5 years ago
Harapan pans MCO business exemptions as half-baked
The decision to allow certain sectors to operate appears to have been done inconsistently, says its secretariat.
5 years ago
Haircuts and returning to ‘normal’: Plan now but implement later, says Noor Hisham
CORONAVIRUS | He disagrees that barbershops and hair salons be allowed to resume operations now.
Geraldine Tong
5 years ago
Barbers, laundry services and car workshops among others can apply for MCO exemptions
They will, however, have to apply for the exemption on Monday at the International Trade and Industry Ministry's website.
Hidir Reduan Abdul Rashid
5 years ago