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Mobile Journalism
Malaysiakini, PJ
Event Date
30 May 2020

Technology is regularly changing our approach to newsgathering. For media practitioners, mobile journalism is a non-threatening digital storytelling toolkit to create a content stream and a bridge to transition audience between screens and breaking news, as well as, web TV platforms. Smartphones are being used to provide content that requires a quick turnaround for websites and for when traditional crews may not be available. They are also being used to edit stories, file transfer back to stations and even provide live broadcasts in difficult situations.

The convergence of mobile technologies has also resulted in unprecedented opportunities for citizens at grassroots levels to create and publish their voice on a global stage. With just a smartphone, some multimedia, camera, writing, editing and publishing skills, anyone is ready to “mojo” anywhere there is connectivity. User generated stories (USG) empower citizens with digital skills that transform their alternative voice into a more mainstream form.

Hence, this course will expose you to the various approaches in making better use of your mobile phone to capture and edit stories.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Shoot video and learn how to frame subjects using well-established cinematography techniques using a smartphone
  • Edit and publish empowering digital stories using simple apps

What you will learn

  • Understanding the Mobile Journalism Revolution
  • Moving from User-Generated Content (UGC) to User-Generated Stories (UGS)
  • Using MoJo Across Platforms and Genres
  • Tools of the MoJo Trade
  • Composing Visual Proof on a Smartphone
  • Recording Location Sound Using Smartphones
  • The Elements of MoJo Storytelling 

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