Wathshlah G Naidu
LETTER | Chatbot launch a welcome move but concerns aplenty
We must, among others, prevent its misuse by the authorities.
Wathshlah G Naidu
2 months ago
LETTER | Media council: Let's make it an effective agency
Provide adequate resources, revise archaic laws to strengthen it.
Wathshlah G Naidu
a year ago
COMMENT | Govt must explain Harakah’s media pass revocation
Info Dept’s vague reasons are not helping.
Wathshlah G Naidu
a year ago
LETTER | Review of OSA: Kudos to govt
Freedom of information will improve governance and transparency.
Wathshlah G Naidu
2 years ago
LETTER | Arresting citizens for criticising MB cause for concern
Such arbitrary actions are unwarranted.
Wathshlah G Naidu
4 years ago
LETTER | CIJ deeply concerned Star article will promote anti-Rohingya xenophobia
Article perpetuates harmful stereotypes that could lead to hatred, discrimination, and violence against marginalised and vulnerable community.
Wathshlah G Naidu
4 years ago
LETTER | Ministry must justify role and budget of Jasa
LETTER | Any attempt by the govt to counter misinformation cannot undermine democratic guarantees.
Wathshlah G Naidu
4 years ago
LETTER | Drop Umany probe, uphold freedom of expression
LETTER | The right to express views and ideas freely is an essential part of democracy.
Wathshlah G Naidu
4 years ago
LETTER | CIJ wants discriminatory media restriction of Parliament lifted
Of the 15 media houses allowed access, not one is a news portal. Why were they sidelined?
Wathshlah G Naidu
4 years ago
LETTER | CIJ concerned over ban on non-official media in Sabah
CIJ notes with alarm Covid-19 being increasingly used as a reason to sideline journos from covering important events.
Wathshlah G Naidu
5 years ago
COMMENT | OSA should be replaced with law on right to information
Centre for Independent Journalism is concerned that the OSA continues to be used by the state and its apparatus.
Wathshlah G Naidu
5 years ago
LETTER | Need for anti-stalking law after Penang suicide case
LETTER | This will provide better redress mechanisms for victims of cyberbullying and gender-based violence.
Wathshlah G Naidu
5 years ago