Nathaniel Tan
COMMENT | Cooperate or confront?
Bersih's congress on May 25 seeks answers to dilemmas facing Malaysian civil society.
Nathaniel Tan
a year ago
COMMENT | Faisal as Abim’s president: A retrospective
Thanks new Abim president for driving inclusive vision of Islamic activism!
Nathaniel Tan
a year ago
COMMENT | The Grab dilemma
‘Normal’ corporate communications strategy may not suffice to adequately navigate this storm.
Nathaniel Tan
a year ago
COMMENT | Showcasing the uniqueness of smalltown Malaysia
A daughter returns home to bring closure to death and estrangement.
Nathaniel Tan
2 years ago
COMMENT | Reject politicising religion, avoid politicians' trap
Politicians try to win by getting people to hate their opponents.
Nathaniel Tan
2 years ago
COMMENT | A tribute to Steven Gan and Premesh Chandran
The contribution of Malaysiakini's co-founders to the nation cannot be overstated.
Nathaniel Tan
2 years ago
COMMENT | Don't play defence, fight smart
PAS is ramping up its attacks - Harapan shouldn’t take the bait.
Nathaniel Tan
2 years ago
COMMENT | A new, inclusive narrative for Malaysia
A better narrative will bring M'sians together and bridge divisions.
Nathaniel Tan
2 years ago
COMMENT | PAS and GE15 - beyond the doom and gloom
Many feel results disastrous but every crisis presents opportunity.
Nathaniel Tan
2 years ago
COMMENT | Malay-Muslim civil society works to bridge racial divides
Ikram and Abim push for a more inclusive, open society.
Nathaniel Tan
2 years ago
COMMENT | Mercy for Nagaenthran
Only Singapore’s president can prevent the execution of an intellectually disabled man.
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Adhering to a Westminster constitutional monarchy
Are the rakyat getting less say regarding who leads their government?
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Will the opposition evolve or die?
What alternatives can the rest of us build?
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Of outriders and resentment
Even Indonesian president, Japan emperor gave way to ambulances.
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | After Ukraine, who’s next?
Getting away with impunity is emboldening autocrats.
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Are we targeting Marina for her father’s sins?
This uproar provides a lot of opportunities for productive reflection.
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Lethal orangutans? Or lethal stupidity?
Netizens are now saying even orangutans would make better ministers.
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Singapore, please don't be cold-blooded robots
Its description of Nagaenthran makes no sense to anyone.
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Appeal to Singapore govt: Abandon 'barbarism'
'Save intellectually impaired drug trafficking victim's life.'
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Faizal, why speak at all?
That seems a better question than: 'Why speak up now, Pandelela?'
Nathaniel Tan
3 years ago
COMMENT | All the best, Ismail Sabri
Your success is Malaysia’s success; your failure is Malaysia’s failure.
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | The PM we want
What are the first words we should be hearing from our next prime minister?
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | Tony Pua is not correct
Unfounded, MCA-ish arguments of 'political stability', 'avoiding chaos' don’t stand up to scrutiny.
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | Muhyiddin is a day late and a dollar short
Nobody worth their salt should trust a person in great desperation.
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | Govt is reopening all the wrong states
Reopening Phase 2 states is like signing death warrants.
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | Here’s how to break our political stalemate
If we don’t think outside the box, we will all perish inside that box.
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | Are we a failed state?
Maybe not technically, but we definitely have a failed govt and a dysfunctional democracy.
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | Azmin Ali’s policies will drive Covid-19 numbers up
Are the poor being trapped with barbed wire just so rich factory owners can increase profits?
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | Here are our plans for Malaysia
It is time to replace this broken political system with a democratic movement that is based on values, impact and policies...
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago
COMMENT | White flags: How politics smears everything it touches
Ministers feast on durians with their friends, then tell us to rely on each other, instead of providing help.
Nathaniel Tan
4 years ago