Mohd Shahidan Shaari
LETTER | Consider boosting tourism to increase ringgit value
Value fluctuation influenced by demand and supply of ringgit.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
a year ago
LETTER | Undocumented workers: Ramp up workplace inspections
This will deter employers from hiring undocumented migrants.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
a year ago
LETTER | Tackle inflation on vulnerable groups
A targeted and inclusive approach is essential.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
a year ago
LETTER | Domestic violence: Society should play its role
We must assist victims to our best.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
a year ago
LETTER | Establishment of special schools merits re-evaluation
Pursuing such an ambitious plan might entail a high cost.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
2 years ago
LETTER | Does higher national debt bode ill for the economy?
Money should be used on projects that can yield economic results.
Amri Sulong, Mohd Shahidan Shaari
2 years ago
LETTER | Ringgit should not depreciate further
Fixing exchange rate may be an option to mitigate situation.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
2 years ago
LETTER | Political instability hampers economic progress, affect society
It will disrupt investments, local and foreign.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
2 years ago
LETTER | AI can play pivotal role in schools, universities
AI can provide a vast array of benefits to teachers and students.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
2 years ago
LETTER | Industrial training period should be extended
Let undergraduates spend a maximum of 2 years in industrial training.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
2 years ago
LETTER | A higher OPR is necessary
Maintaining low OPR will eventually lead to high inflation.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
2 years ago
LETTER | Higher OPR may help the economy
It can help control inflation in particular.
Muhamad Hufaizah Asbullah, Mohd Shahidan Shaari
3 years ago
LETTER | Higher child abuse cases may be attributed to economic growth
Child abuse is a never-ending issue as more than 1,000 cases reported yearly.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
3 years ago
LETTER | Varsity graduate quality amid pandemic may be low
Students beset with lower quality of learning via online courses.
Mohd Shahidan Shaari
3 years ago