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COMMENT | Who first wrote a detailed account of 1MDB troubles?
COMMENT | In a space of a couple of months, two books have been released.

They discuss coverage of the failed national strategic development company 1MDB and its losses of over RM40 billion primarily due to the shenanigans of former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and the so-called whizz kid now in hiding Low Taek Jho.

Both books contain claims seeking credit for the first detailed reports on 1MDB. The author of “The Siege Within” self-proclaimed “news sleuth” Leslie Lopez claims it for himself.


In the second, a 30th-anniversary book of The Edge titled “Behind the Stories”, current publisher and CEO of The Edge and one-time editor-in-chief Ho Kay Tat, claim the credit for his publication.

Curiously, both of them were working for the same overall organisation then - The Edge Communications - although for different publications at the time.

Lopez was shunted out to...

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