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COMMENT | 'Ketuanan Lelaki' and the fear of T'ganu women

COMMENT | Women are not the problem. Men are!

Even in Mecca, men and women mix freely during the haj rituals, like walking together seven times around the Kaabah and climbing to the top of Mount Arafat, but not in Terengganu.

Are Terengganu women so powerful that they have a debilitating hold on their menfolk?


Perhaps, it is the men of Terengganu who are so weak that they cannot resist any woman. Not all men but mostly the conservative politicians.

Terengganu appears to be suffering from a case of toxic masculinity, where manmade rules are enforced by men in authority, to favour the dominant male and to put women in their place.

Segregating members of the public and banning women performers is just another version of “Ketuanan Lelaki” in the corridors of power of the state government.

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