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COMMENT | Stop pampering Malaysians with extra public holidays

COMMENT | The year 2010 was the year when Malaysia won the Suzuki Cup for the first and only time. Najib Abdul Razak, the prime minister then, declared a public holiday.

Wow! A national public holiday was suddenly declared after we won the Suzuki Cup - a football tournament at the Southeast Asian level. This was already a big deal for us. Seriously, how low can we go?

After the celebrations, Malaysia never won the cup again while Thailand won seven times and tiny Singapore, on four occasions. We, Malaysians, seem to excel in celebrating and being merry and after that, we forget how to play football.


I wish to remind our so-called leaders that is what is known as third world mentality, in case they are unaware.


It was an unnecessary public holiday, whichever way you look at it. I believe many were aware that it was a spur-of-the-moment decision by Najib, a known football fan and a Manchester United diehard.

What will we think of next?...

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