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MP SPEAKS | If poverty is multidimensional, flood relief must be equally so

MP SPEAKS | Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Economy) Mustapha Mohamed’s decision to adopt the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), a comprehensive methodology which takes into account the deprivations and realistic needs of households on the ground, for use by all major government stakeholders in the name of designing more efficient and targeted poverty alleviation programmes, must first begin by measuring the areas hit hardest by both the pandemic and the ongoing flood emergency - dual tragedies worsened through La Ninã.

The decision by Mustapha followed results from the Multidimensional Poverty Index study announced in Parliament back in July 2021. This study calculated the varying dimensions of poverty experienced by 332 B40 households in Permatang Pauh.

Nine dimensions of deprivation were measured, and three of these specifically concerned Covid-19-related impacts. During my speech back in July, I also warned of the danger Malaysians would face should the authorities fail to take precautionary measures in the lead-up to the monsoon season.


The triple crisis of the pandemic, flooding and poverty would burden us all if we do not equip ourselves with the right policies, preventative strategies and cross-agency programmes...

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