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COMMENT | Klepto-economists: Class-action ultimate recourse?

COMMENT | My earlier article on this subject, The cost we pay for our klepto-economics, received almost universal positive reviews from the Malaysiakini community and beyond, including overseas. Generally, there was a gloomy sense of deja-vu, citing the well-entrenched klepto-economics, insidiously 60 over years in the making. This is the issue I will address here; all is not lost.

But before that, let me respond to some often raised comments by readers. I am sharing my thoughts not to influence anyone, but more for self-reflection. But anyone is at liberty to share, translate or target any community, hopefully with due credits.

I have no affiliation with any political party, institutions or individuals. Freedom of association and wants is the basis for freedom of thoughts. I am just a commoner addressing fellow commoners, who are frustrated with the current state of affairs and hoping for a better Malaysia.

Accordingly, I don’t have to be an expert to write on any subject, just relying on common sense, logic and rational thinking without any baggage. I write exclusively for Malaysiakini for the one and only reason they publish my articles as it is.


Readers have been creative with off-shoots of the term I used, like klepto-maniacs and of course, klepto-crats. However, I strictly want to keep to a scientific discourse of my klepto-economics hypothesis, without any name-calling or reference to anyone.

Certainly, the governing class and the powerful will attract our attention given that every decision they make affect our daily lives. Necessarily, I have to rely on a sample of real incidents and cases, and no malice is intended.

The beauty of klepto-economics is that no one acknowledges it applies to them. Every action is justified for the noble cause of country, race and religion...

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