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Find yourself at ISKL, IB Scholarship applications now open!
Published:  Aug 20, 2021 5:35 PM
Updated: 9:48 AM

Which curriculum is the best fit for my child?”. As parents, one of the top priorities includes choosing the best education possible for your child. At The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), its mission is to provide an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge, and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.


The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a cornerstone of the academic experience at ISKL, providing a challenging two-year pre-university curriculum that leads to a qualification recognized worldwide. To earn the IB Diploma, students must study six subjects (three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level) and complete the DP Core, which broadens the students’ educational experience and provides opportunities for them to apply their knowledge and develop necessary skills.

Amidst a challenging year with COVID-19 and MCO enforcements in Malaysia, ISKL’s largest-ever IB cohort of 144 students continued ISKL’s long tradition of exceeding worldwide averages on their IB Diploma results with:

  • 10 students who scored a perfect 45 points

  • 8 students who scored 44 points

  • An average score of 37.1 (worldwide average 33.02)

  • A 98% pass rate (worldwide average stands at 88.96%)

  • Over 36.8% scored 40 or more points (worldwide average 17.8%)

  • And with 18.8% having earned a bilingual diploma in Danish, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.

Authorized to run the IBDP in 1989, ISKL is the longest running IB World School in Malaysia. Unlike many IBDP programs worldwide, ISKL offers the IBDP on a non-selective basis, meaning any student is provided the opportunity to undertake the Diploma. As a non-selective program, ISKL faculty ensure that each student is mentored and supported throughout the challenging two-year course of study.

Last year, ISKL presented the 2020-2021 IB Scholarship to two outstanding Malaysian students, Nurin A. and Yogita C. The scholarship program, approved by the Ministry of Education Malaysia, has been running for over 20 years, and each year saw ISKL offering two Malaysian Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia leavers a scholarship to study the rigorous two-year IBDP. Since its inception, more than 30 scholarship recipients have graduated from ISKL and attended leading universities worldwide.


Yogita shared sentiments, “I chose the IB Diploma Programme because I trust that it will shape me into becoming a versatile student. It is also the best program to prepare me for stimulating and challenging university life. If I had a message to my future self when I graduate, I would say, even if you have not accomplished the goals you set for yourself, I hope you look back on this journey and realize how much you have grown as an individual. If you have accomplished your goals, well done! Either way, always continue doing what makes you happy and what feels right.”

Nurin said, “I hope to enroll in a prestigious university, study hard, and land a job that I will genuinely love. I want to make a difference in the world someday and participate in things that have a positive impact on society. My message to my future self when I graduate would be that I look back and cherish the years as some of the best of my life and yet know that there is still so much more to come…I strongly believe that all girls deserve a right to an education, just like me. More importantly, I believe that the IB program can shape me into a more well-rounded critical thinker and reflective person.”

When asked about how they have adapted to going virtual due to COVID-19 and lockdowns in the country, Nurin said that despite the sudden change to online learning, she felt that ISKL handled it well as the students were not overwhelmed with block lessons- instead, the classes were shortened, and students could meet with teachers after school when they needed help.

“My teacher, Ms. Popovich, would let us play some games and put us into breakout rooms to discuss questions which made it so much more interactive. And we could still see our friends that way. So I think online learning was challenging at first, but we are used to it now.”

On the topic of the ISKL community, both IB scholars mentioned that they are grateful for the opportunity to make friends from different countries and meet like-minded people at school.

Yogita said, “I think the ISKL community has been super friendly, and I’m living proof of that because I’m a reserved person in general. So, when I was first starting school, I was quiet, but thankfully, I met people who are just like me, reserved. And I think my best memory was choir class because I’ve been able to talk to so many other people from different countries and their cultures.”

Nurin added, “One thing that I find amazing about ISKL is that I had the opportunity to make friends from so many different countries instead of just people from Malaysia, which I’ve been accustomed to, being from a public school. You realize you make lifelong friends that you didn’t think you would make so quickly in one year, especially with not seeing them that often.”

ISKL admissions director Julia Love said: “Every year, the standard of application is extremely high- we received applications from highly qualified candidates with outstanding academic results as well as having a broad range of talents and passions.

“This well-rounded approach to student life typifies ISKL’s educational philosophy and our mission to support students to become socially responsible global citizens,” she said.

The vicennial old tradition continues this year as applications for the IB Scholarship for SPM leavers are now open at the ISKL Website.

Applications for the IB Scholarship are based on academic record, co-curricular involvement, and commitment to community service, with shortlisted applicants undertaking an entrance exam and panel interview. ISKL offers an exceptional international education that takes you places. Oxford, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and the London School of Economics are just some of the prestigious universities ISKL’s Malaysian IB Diploma Scholarship recipients have gone on to attend.

ISKL’s graduating class of 2021 has already received more than 300 acceptances and offers from over 130 universities in 12 countries spanning four continents. With acceptances from over 55 new universities in Canada, France, Hong Kong, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the USA, and the UK to name a few.

There will be an IB Scholarship Information Session on 21st September 2021 at 5:00 pm for those wanting to hear more about the scholarship.

Make our ISKL, your ISKL today. Find out more about the IB Scholarship by visiting our website and register for the IB Scholarship Information Session here. 

This content is provided by The Society of the International School of Kuala Lumpur.

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