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As a senior citizen, I find the Anti-ISA rally or march not necessary, as most of the ISA detainees have been released since Najib took over as prime minister.

Besides, he has promised to review the ISA Act.

Therefore, Pakatan Rakyat should give a timeframe for the BN government to not only abolish the ISA Act but also to review the Police Act where assembly for peaceful protest is restricted.

Even seven citizens cannot meet and talk without a police permit. It is garbage in the modern world.

And the police should stop behaving as if they were Umno police. It should be totally neutral and be absolutely the people's police. The Emergency Act too, should be abolished along with the ISA Act.

But we definitely need a Anti-Terrorism Act in replacement to protect the country from religious fanatics for we don't want to be subjected to what is happening in the Middle East and in other countries including Indonesia where our man seem to be the mastermind.

However, should the government not meet the timeframe, then there is justification to hold a peaceful march.

Otherwise a lot of time and resources are wasted.

I hope Najib will look at the matter objectively and have a dialogue with the opposition and set such a timeframe.